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With your cell phone you can do much more than just talk on WhatsApp or watch your social networks. If you have a good tariff with unlimited data, you will not have to worry about your internet connection to watch series, movies, make video calls or send photos and videos from your mobile.

In this sense, it is advisable to analyze the use you usually make of your cell phone before signing up for a phone tariff. If you are one of those who cannot live without being connected to your phone, without sending WhatsApps or uploading photos to Instagram, you will need to have a plan that includes enough data to avoid being disconnected -or with a slow connection speed- when you most need to be online.

Yoigo is another cell phone and Internet operator that has a tariff with unlimited gigabytes. Yoigo’s Sin Fin tariff provides unlimited gigabytes for 20 euros per month, although this is a promotional amount for three months. After this time, users will pay 33 euros per month. It also includes unlimited calls.

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24 horas después solicitaremos la portabilidad de la línea y 48 horas después la portabilidad será efectiva. Te enviaremos un SMS a tu móvil informándote de la fecha de portabilidad. Además, hacemos la portabilidad de madrugada para que el cambio te afecte lo menos posible.

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Si se trata de una portabilidad, la tarjeta se activará automáticamente cuando se haya realizado la portabilidad. Durante el proceso de portabilidad te informamos vía SMS del día en que será efectiva, y deberás introducir la nueva tarjeta en tu teléfono. Hasta entonces, tu línea seguirá funcionando con tu antigua compañía.

Elige uno de nuestros paquetes internacionales en la sección “MÓVIL” o descubre los precios de tus llamadas internacionales sueltas, simplemente buscando el país de destino al que quieres realizar esas llamadas. Compruébelo aquí.

El roaming te permite hablar y utilizar tus datos fuera de España. Te recomendamos que lo tengas activado antes de salir de viaje, ya que activarlo desde el país de destino podría incurrir en costes adicionales.

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The 5 tariffs we bring you today all belong to different operators. Almost all of them have a fairly similar price (at least during the first months), so it will be in the conditions of each one where we will see the real differences.

Let’s start this list of tariffs with 50 GB of data with the one known as Sinfín 50 GB from Yoigo. This tariff offers unlimited calls and 50 GB of data for a price of 20 euros per month for the first 12 months, after which it will cost 25 euros (VAT included).

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Another great option that we can take if we want 50 GB of data is the one offered by Finetwork. With it we will have access to this amount of data and unlimited calls (up to 6000 minutes) for 14.90 forever.

The Romanian operator has to its credit several fairly inexpensive mobile tariffs, and of course it also has one with 50 gigabytes of data. This, like the previous ones, also includes unlimited calls and we can get it for 15 euros per month, 9 if we combine it with a fiber offer.

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Whether you only need mobile line, fiber only or a combination of both, with or without TV, in the following graphs you can quickly find out the price with everything included (without temporary promotions or extras that may lead to surprises in the bill when you least expect it), but you can also access the complete comparisons with all the details where to choose depending on the coverage or other details.

Users interested in a prepaid card tariff, without bank accounts and without automatic charges that may cause unexpected surprises, this month of August 2022, the cheapest rates depending on the type of calls included are the following:

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In addition, this month have also improved the rates of Orange, Jazztel, Suop, and several MVNOs with Yoigo coverage. You can access more details and other tariffs depending on their coverage in the complete comparison of contract mobile tariffs, and in the specific comparison of tariffs with unlimited data.

Users interested in a fiber internet connection at home, without the need to contract a cell phone with the same operator, will find the following rates as a reference in minimum prices this August 2022:

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